health ne
H eart eats
five your heart a break at thedinner
tabic bvchoosingfcxxis that don’t
spike blc x x
glucose levels. Л diet <
glucose-spiking eats, known as
high glvccmicfcxxls,cand(>ublc a
woman’s risk for heart disease,
according toa recent study by Italian
researchers. ( :h(x>sing f<
x xls with k >w
numbers on theglycemic index (those
and avoiding high
choices those
or higher are
especially important if you’re diabetic
<)i* have a family histc >ry of heart
disease. I .<
xЯс up the C
і I stats for f<
x xls
>n the University of Sidnev’s website,
Once y<xi кік >w a
fc x xls
rank, it's easy t<
make simple
switches, like rye c>r pumpcmiekel
for white bread
.or All Bran cereal
for corn Hakes
Perform ing a goo d deed for som eone makes him o r her
m ore likely to d o som ething nice for som eone else, say
researchers at Harvard and the University o f California,
San Diego. Their study provides strong evidence that
cooperative behavior spreads from person to person to
person— like a benevolent virus. In the study, volunteers
simulated giving m oney away to others. Th e researchers
observed a dom ino effect, in w hich one person’s
kindness spread first to three people, then to nine
people, and then to even m ore people. W hat’s more,
after giving yo u becom e a m ore generous person w ho’ll
give to others m ore frequently. Happily, no one’s im m une
to the kindness flu. “W e found that the effect w orks on
Scrooge and Santa personalities alike,” says study
c o a u th o r Jam es H. Fowler, Ph.D„ a professor at U C San
Diego and expert on social networks.
Lonely I Iearts C lub
Reason No. 872 to call your sister, volunteer, or play
your cic )g: Lack of connection is unhealthy.
University’ ofC licago research results show that
yersistcnfly feeling lonely raises blocxl pressure,
ncreasing risk of stroke or heart attack.
B rin g o n th e b aco n an d eggs! A new
stu d y sh ow s that eating a little fat first
th in g an d keeping fat and ca lo ries low in
th e even ing m ight w ard o ff m etabo lic
sy n d ro m e — a clu ste r o f sym p to m s,
in clu d in g ab d o m in al fat, high triglycerid e
levels, an d insulin re sistan ce — that
in cre ases risk o f ca rd io va scu la r disease
an d diabetes. Y o u r first m eal se e m s to
p ro g ram m e tab o lism fo r the rest o f the
day, says M olly Bray, Ph.D., p ro fe sso r o f
e p id e m io lo g y at the U niversity o f
A labam a. A relatively fat-rich breakfast
helps yo u m etabo lize fats and
carb o h yd rate s d u rin g the day, w hile a
c a rb -ric h breakfast se e m s to p ro m o te
o n ly ca rb m etabo lism . In ad d itio n , eggs
red u ce hunger, so y o u eat less at lunch
an d all d ay long. In a n ew U n iversity o f
C o n n e c tic u t study, breakfast egg-eaters
ate ii2 few er ca lo rie s at an a ll-yo u -can
eat buffet lun ch th ree h o u rs later than
bagel-eating co u n te rp arts. T h e y also
co n su m e d ab o u t 4 0 0 few er ca lo rie s in
the 24 h o u rs follow in g breakfast than
did th e ir bagel buddies.
P H O T O S : (D O M IN O S ) P H O T O G R A P H E R : C H A D B A K ER . C O L L E C T IO N : D IG IT A L V IS IO N . G E T T Y IM A G E S : (E G G C A R T O N ) V E E R
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